Tutorial 05: Help

Adding help text to the app is easy. Just add a docstring:

def todo():
    Command-line application for managing a todo list.

    The list is stored on disk as a simple JSON file containing an
    array of strings. The file path is controlled by the -f/--file
    argument (see documentation for that argument for more
    print('Hello, world!')

In argparse terms, the content before the first blank line is the description and all content after is the epilog:

$ ./todo -h
usage: todo [-h]

Command-line application for managing a todo list.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

The list is stored on disk as a simple JSON file containing an array of
strings. The file path is controlled by the -f/--file argument (see
documentation for that argument for more information).

Easy peasy. Let’s implement the file argument described in the help text.